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Helmet 2.0

A New Helmet for New Mobility

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Project Overview

In 1975 the first real bike helmet was created by Bell Auto Parts. The familiar hard plastic shell surrounding a foam core. This design quickly became the standard for nearly every activity that moves a person faster than their own two feet. And while helmets have improved to become less bulky or use newer foam compounds, the fundamental design has barely changed in over four decades. These days, most bike owners use a helmet on their rides from home, but as new forms of on-demand mobility (powered kick scooters, bike shares, e-bikes, etc) enter the market, helmet use becomes shockingly low.

There is a need for new types of helmets that provide better convenience, greater comfort, and improved safety for users. In this project we want to design a new type of helmet using modern lightweight materials, exploring new form factors, and innovate the style to change the way people address safety in mobility for modern cities.

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Project Leads

AustinBaker BlaineJones

Discussion Board

Last Activity 5 years ago


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Sketch your initial ideas around how new style of helmet could be designed.